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Jan 21, 2021
Studio Build - Finished (for now)
I still haven't done the REW tests and for now I'm content with the way the room sounds. There are a few little things I'd still like to...
Jan 7, 2021
Studio Build - Mini Split and Window
The mini split was installed by the top Mitsubishi contractor in the area. I've also put the window off for a while now as I tried to...
Dec 1, 2020
Studio Build - Lighting
I decided I wanted my room to be a 'smart' room. I'm creating lighting settings, the ability to turn the on the different zones,...
Nov 4, 2020
Studio Build - Room Correction, Framing and Fabric
With the door on and flooring done I have started to do some work from the room. It feels and sounds leaps better from what it was...
Oct 20, 2020
Studio Build - Insulation, Flooring and Door
With all the walls complete, I went back over every edge, nook, knot, and anything that look like a gap and made sure it was sealed up. ...
Aug 22, 2020
Studio Build - Wall Building and Assembly
The design has been tweaked few times over and I'm set to get this thing completed. Below are the final plans from which I'll be...
Aug 5, 2020
Studio Build - Math and Silencer Boxes
There is a little (or a lot) of math involved in figuring out the fresh air requirements a room needs. I ended up taking some free...
Jan 16, 2020
Studio Build - Fixing Surprises
I've discovered I'm really not good at taking photos. I'd like to say I'm going to do a better job going forward, but chances are I'll...
Nov 22, 2019
Studio Build - Taking Apart Existing Walls
I've got some plans drawn up and permit issues by the city. I was told that since I'm not altering the existing structure (I'm building...
Oct 22, 2019
Studio Build - SketchUp
Using a legacy version of SketchUp Make, I fully recreated my room in the 3D space. It was a time consuming process that has taken a few...
Oct 10, 2019
Studio Build - Initial Thoughts
Working in an untreated room without isolation has left me considering tearing apart my room and rebuilding it from the ground up. I...
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